Monday, January 17, 2011


Sometimes I catch myself talking too much about myself and not even asking about others first. My main resolution this year is to invest myself in others and not be so self-centered. My next but just as important resolution is to make daily time to spend with God. I feel so much better when I'm connected to Him. I feel that would help with the self-centeredness. I pray that I can be a good example for my students and friends and I pray that I may act in a way that Christ is reflected in my actions.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Day Blogging

So today is my first day blogging. I think I did something like livejournal once, and I don't even know if it exists. All I know is that I am tired of Facebook and I wanted a creative outlet for when I am not working on school stuff or socializing. Today I found my wedding dress for my wedding to my fiancee Doug. I really appreciated all the friends that came out today to support me. I know sometimes I can talk a lot about myself and dominate conversations with my concerns. I just want my friends to know that I love them very much and I value their opinions. I value those friends who tell me the honest to goodness truth no matter what. I want to let my friends know if something concerns me and I want them to talk to me if they have something that concerns me about what I am doing in my life. I feel like a friend's job is to keep the other accountable, and I hope I can make sure I am fulfilling that friendly duty.